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Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to clean your makeup brushes

Most of us use makeup on a daily basis. And we know the importance of cleaning our face daily…sometimes even a couple of times a day. It’s important to get rid of all the grime, is it not?? Failure to do so is met with guilt and panic. But why do we forget to clean the tools used to decorate our faces??? Because we tend not to see the build up of germs and dirt on our brushes, we tend to ignore the fact that they are very much present. Outta sight...outta mind....right???? how often should you clean your brushes???

Experts in the field would recommend a weekly washup…. Daily if you have a touch of OCD….but if you can manage even a monthly scrub, you are in the clear!!!!!

......and what do you need??

You will need the following….(try and do this at night)
  •        a sink
  •         a bowl
  •        shampoo or liquid soap
  •              2 towels


  •         Run each brush under lukewarm water in your sink under the tap. This helps get rid of the residual makeup
  •         Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and squirt some shampoo or liquid soap into it
  •         Swirl your brush tips in the liquid filled bowl and then swirl each brush against the palm of your hand in circular motions
  •          Rinse the brushes under lukewarm water once again
  •           Dry gently on a small handtowel
  •           Lay all brushes flat on a towel to dry overnight
  •           Head to bed
Next morning, you will not only have clean teeth, but a clean brush set as well.

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